Sat, February 15th 10am – 12pm: Money Talk for Women Event – Space to Explore Safely Your Money Relationship / Beliefs

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How To Tackle Your Spouse’s Overspending

If one too many surprising holiday credit card charges has you sweating, it’s time for a chat with your spouse. Beware: As Deborah Price, author of The Heart of Money: A Couple’s Guide to Creating True Financial Intimacy, puts it, “Money is an area where we’re prone to being irrational, illogical, and overly emotional. Click […]

Do You Know What Money Types Are Driving Your Financial Life?

Money Types Money types represent archetypal patterns and behaviors that influence our daily decisions and emotions around money at an unconscious level. We all have them and everyone is invited to attend our upcoming webinar to learn more about the eight money types and the impact that they have on our choices and lives. Not […]

8 Money Types Defined

The concept of psychological archetypes was originally advanced by Carl Jung, the father of modern psychology. In Jung’s psychological framework, archetypes are innate, universal prototypes that are highly useful for interpreting observations or behaviors that are largely unconscious. They represent patterns of behavior or ideas that are part of the “collective unconscious”.  The collective unconscious […]

Are You Cheating On Your Spouse — Financially?

“Yes, I paid that bill.” There are two primary reasons why people hide money moves from their significant other. Number one: “You might feel controlled by your partner, so you act out as a form of rebellion,” says money coach Deborah Price, CEO and founder of the Money Coaching Institute and author of “The Heart […]

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